- Decks
How Do I Select the Best Deck Company in Fairfax, VA?

Selecting a contractor is an important decision that you shouldn’t take lightly since building a new deck is a major home renovation. Fortunately, researching contractors has never been easier now that there are a host of listing websites to reference and customer reviews are only a click away.
If you’re searching for the best deck company in the Fairfax, VA area, there are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind when narrowing down your search.
Begin Your Search at the Local Level
Why go with a local company? There are many reasons to consider working with a deck companies local in Fairfax over out-of-towners. Local builders are hyper-aware of the local conditions that your deck with weather throughout the changing of seasons. They’re familiar with the materials that hold up best and can give you locally specific care instructions.
Working with a local company puts money back into the community and has a trickle-down effect because local businesses often spend, hire, and source their materials locally. Hiring local builders over a bigger company also means more investment local contractors often provide a higher quality of work because they are community members.
Check Listing Sites for Top-Rated Companies
Listing sites are valuable resources because they help customers find businesses online. Rankings are often driven by customer experience, and so you’ll have an idea of the caliber of work you’re paying for. From comments on the quality of work and materials used to whether a job was completed on-time and without hassle, honest customer reviews can provide a wealth of information and insight into the services a company offers.
Some listing sites like Yelp openly allow consumers to post business reviews. When you’re searching for the best deck builder in Fairfax, you can browse through reviews to see what customers had to say about the companies that you’re considering contracting to do your build. Choosing a company with a positive customer rating is a sound investment.
Make Sure that the Deck Builders You Hire are Certified
Another thing to take into consideration while you’re on the hunt for the best deck company in Fairfax, VA is that they’re certified deck builders. Why does that matter? Certified deck builders operate with knowledge of safety requirements, and local zoning permits and ordinances.
A deck that fails to meet coding and safety regulations is a liability. Hiring a certified deck builder provides some assurance that your deck will be safe and up-to-code and adhere to load bearing requirements.
Adding a deck to accent your home and provide a space for family and guests to gather is a serious investment. That’s why it’s important to do your legwork before committing to the build.
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